The ‘Tag der Hydrologie’ (Day of Hydrology) is the most important conference on Hydrology in Germanspeaking countries. This year´s host was the Aueninstitut Neuburg and the KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt under the leadership of Bernd Cyffka. The topic ’Water – Landscape – Human in Past, Present and Future‘ fitted to the research conducted in SuMaRiO. Accordingly the project was represented four times.
Tayierjiang Aishan (KUEI) presented a poster on the topic „Monitoring the Hydrological and Ecological Response of Degraded Floodplain Forest Ecosystems to the Rehabilitation Measures in the Lower Tarim River, Northwest China”. The poster was developed in collaboration with the Xinjiang University and CAS.
Christian Rumbaur, Patrick Keilholz (both TUM) and Martin Kuba (KUEI) shared almost one session in whole. While Christian Rumbaur gave a summary about the topic and the project in his presentation „SuMaRiO – Nachhaltiges Management von Flussoasen im Tarimbecken“, Patrick Keilholz and Martin Kuba presented results from their workpackages with the titles „Flächendifferenzierte Modellierung der Grundwasserneubildung natürlicher Auwälder und der Auswirkungen einer veränderten Landnutzung am Tarim Fluss in Nordwestchina“ and „Wasserabhängigkeit von Ökosystemen und Ökosystemdienstleistungen des Tarim River, NW China“
With more than 160 participants the ‘Tag der Hydrologie’ faced a high interest and the participating SuMaRiO members were able to present the project to research community.

Impressions of the discussion at "Tag der Hydrologie" in Eichstätt.