Einträge mit dem Tag Film.

Field work of the Xinjiang University and KU Eichstätt in Argan

XJTV2 reportage film - Field work of the Xinjiang University and KU Eichstaett in Argan within SuMaRiO project

The local state television XJTV has filmed a 30 minutes reportage film based on the field work of Xinjiang University and KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in this summer (02.-24.08.2011). The film gives information about the current ecological problems and local government activities for floodplain restoration at the Tarim as well as a brief overview about SuMaRiO.

This film was shown on August 30, 2011 as part of the Ramadan festival-program in the XJTV2.



Contact: Ümüt Halik <uemuet.halik@ku-eichstaett.de>

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